Monday, September 7, 2009

We eat THE PIG, and then we eat some more ...


-Those with weak stomachs
- Those who who´ve eaten in the last 30 minutes
- Those who´s favorite movie is Babe (you know, the cute little pig).

We learned some truths while in Spain. Spaniards love to party, watch soccer, and eat some pork. When we say pork, we mean everything on the pig ... ears, knuckles, snouts, tails, hearts, or just use your imagination.

When in Rome do as the Romans do, right? Well here are a couple of pictures of our adventerous night eating Jeta de Cerdo or known in english as fried pig snout. OINK! OINK!

These sort of taste like fat back or really fatty bacon, if you need a comparison. The only problem is they´re a little more chewy (Kari says they´re actually crunchy. I already blocked it out of my memory)!

Enough said on this one.

After our dinner of pig snouts, we had to find out more about this pig obsession of the Spaniards. So we ventured to the local Salamanca fresh food market. We were stunned, to say the least. If you want fresh meat, this is as fresh as it gets. Take a look at these:

Every kind of sausage you can imagine. They also had big hams hanging everywhere, complete with the hoof still on the leg.

Cute little Babe! You can almost seem him smiling at us. Poor little Babe.

A speciality in this part of Spain is roasted suckling pig. They let the little oinkers have 14-15 days of milk to soften them up a little bit, then BAM. They´re a nice tender dinner in Salamanca.

Here´s our pig snout dinner before being prepared and fried. Appetizing, eh?

Pig ears anyone?

This isn´t pork, but it makes for a good story. After a particularly good bull fight where the bull has showed courage and taken a long time to succomb to his final fate, his tail will be cut off and eaten in a high priced stew at a nearby bar. Obviously other ox tails are also cut off, because we saw many like this in the market.

It started getting pretty gross at this point. These are tongues ... held up so you can see them at their full length before buying them. What is that black spot, anyway!?



I will give away the extra pig snout I saved in my pocket (this is Chad, in case you haven´t guessed) to the first person who can tell me in the comments section what animal this was. We couldn´t figure it out at first and had to ask the attendant.


Octupus are actually very good ... to my amazement.

Lamb brains. Scramble these with some eggs ... i guess. Ugghhh.

Lots of fresh seafood too.

More snouts - cow this time. What´s with eating these noses!

If you have a problem with courage, take a bite out of this delicacy - corazon de Cerdo. Pig heart.

I know we took the risk of offending some people on this one, especially any vegeterian friends we have (or used to have). This was an eye opening adventure for us. It´s these kind of unexpected finds that makes travelling a lot of fun.

We´d love to get your comments!

Hasta luego.

Chad and Kari


  1. The mystery meat is rabbit! The black spot on the tounge means that it is part Chow...
    Who wouldn't know this??

  2. Those are awesome! They do look like rabbits with those tiny little feet. Love the other pictures, too. I'm going to save some and use them for desktops on my computer at work. A friend uses my room one class period and we are always trying to out-do each other with funny/gross pictures. These would win!

  3. wasup guys! Glad to see y'all are having fun. ...So that is what rabbits look like with out ears! blech. I think I will try the olive oil with chocolate ice cream before any of the above meats. *_* Keep on having fun! Looking forward to more posts.

  4. Hey guys, one heck of an adventure you are having. Good to see you are having a lot of fun. My guess on the mystery meat is some kind of squirrel.And the black spot on the tounge is a sign of wisdom or good luck.

  5. hey scott,
    thanks for the post. They mystery meet is in fact a rabbit or "conejo" in spanish. I like your guess on the black spot - as good as any - but it sure was gross. We are having fun. Hope all is well in Seattle.
